Flower Seeds

Flower Seeds

Shop your flower seeds with us quickly and easily online. Flower seeds are our specialty and we try to provide a little more unique and unusual varieties that give that extra touch to your garden

Flower seeds are often divided into the categories of annuals, biennials, and perennials.

Annual flowers are one-year plants that are grown from seed, form a plant the first year, produce seeds and then die. Most flowers suitable for cut flowers belong to this category.

Biennials are plants that live their life cycle over two years. In the first year after sowing from seed, a plant with a root system and leaves is formed. The second year the plant produces a flower and then new seeds and the plant dies.

Perennials are plants that return year after year. The plants appear to die in the fall, but what happens is that the plant withers and everything above the ground dies, but the root system in the soil lives on, resting during the winter and then waking up again in the spring. If you want an easy flower bed, perennials are recommended. However, it's important to keep in mind that a plant may be perennial in one climate zone but not in another. For example, dahlias may be perennial in southern Sweden but not in Stockholm.

Flowers come in all sorts of colors, shapes, heights, etc. We have chosen to specialize in flowers suitable for cut flower cultivation. This means that they often have a slightly longer stem, at least 50cm high. Vase life is also an important property. This means that the harvested flower lives for a long time in a vase with water.

Something very popular is also different types of wildflower mixes or bouquet mixes. Here, we have simply done the work for you and mixed several different varieties of seeds in a bag that are suitable to plant together. In our range, you can find wildflower mixes, bouquet mixes, and mixes that are beneficial to pollinators.

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