Bare-rooted Peonies

Bare-rooted Peonies

Discover our unique selection of absolutely fantastic bare-rooted Peonies.

Order your peonies online and get them to your mailbox within 2-4 days. A wonderful flower to grow during fall!

Plant bare-rooted peonies in the fall

The best time for planting bare-rooted peonies is early autumn, in September-October. During the autumn, the peonies enter a period of rest. Then there is the least risk of the roots being damaged during handling. If you plant peonies in the autumn, you also get the Scotch plant to establish itself in the country for our growth.

Place for peonies

Peonies don't want their roots to be wet, so choose a site with well-drained soil. The peonies that stand in the sun get the most floral splendor, but partial shade can also work. An excessively sunny and warm location can shorten the flowering period somewhat.

Planting tips

Once the location is chosen, it's time to prepare the soil. Clear away weeds and dig a pit that is about 30-50 deep. First put in a given compost soil or manure and top up with garden soil. The roots should not come into direct contact with the fertilizer.

Add the root bundle with the eye-like buds facing up. These "eyes" are the peonies' shoot cells. It is important that the roots are laid 3-5 cm deep. If they are planted more superficially, the peony risks freezing during the winter. If they are planted deeper, the risk is instead that the peony will not bloom.

Caring for peonies

In the first winter, it is good to protect the peony during the cold months with, for example, fir rice or cover bark. During the spring, such a blanket instead acts as protection against the spring light. Too much light early in the season can induce premature shoots that can be damaged by a sudden cold snap.

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