Tomato - Gourman Sun F1

Solanum lycopersicum
Sowing time
Harvest/flowering time

The Gourmansun is the tomato with everything and more. It has the look with its heart-like shape and with its striped yellow-orange-red color. It certainly has the size, with fully ripe fruits weighing around 200-260 grams and producing plenty of tomatoes throughout the summer. It also has an incredible flavor and juiciness that not all tomatoes of that size have, which was one of the main reasons why it was chosen as a new addition to our tomato range. Great to eat fresh in salads or to use in cooking such as soups, stews or pickles of all kinds.

Another big plus for Gourmansun is that it has good resistance to diseases such as fungal attack and mold, something that is becoming increasingly common in our gardens today. It is precisely such characteristics that we at Florea cherish a little extra and have in mind when we select varieties for our range!

(Gourmansun is a tall-growing variety)

    Odla Tomater

    Läs vidare om hur du odlar dina tomater

    Doften av solmogna, dagsplockade frukter. Inget slår en tomatskörd från hemmatäppan. Idag finns det så många sorter att alla kan lyckas med tomatodling. På friland, balkong och fönsterbräda. I uterum, ampel och växthus...

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    About us

    A family tradition since 1940

    Florea offers quality garden products - with a focus on seeds, flower bulbs and tubers. The company was founded in 2020 by Erik Hoekstra, son of Johannes Hoekstra and grandson of Georg Hoekstra, and stems from a long family tradition.

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    Climate Compensation

    We want to make the world greener

    For us at Florea sustainability and climate are crucial to our operations. We try as much as possible to use organic farming and methods that are gentle to nature. The emissions we do cause, for example, in the shipping of our goods, we have chosen to offset. Our entire operation is carbon offset.

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    Highest Quality

    We will do everything we can to help you succeed

    Quality and satisfied customer guarantee. To always be able to guarantee the quality of our seeds, we regularly conduct a number of tests. Germination tests are conducted in laboratories and in test cultivations. In the laboratory, we also test purity - which is important to ensure high quality. All our tests are carried out according to the ISTA international standard.

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