Meet our team

We are a happy group with many different backgrounds and skills. At Florea, this is where we all come together in the dream and vision of inspiring more people to start gardening.

Erik Hoekstra

CEO & Founder

Erik is the founder of Florea and currently serves as CEO. He is primarily responsible for our product range, procurement, and production. His favorite flower is the tulip, while he cannot imagine a summer without homegrown tomatoes. Erik is the third generation in his family working with flowers and bulbs. His family is from Lisse, the Netherlands. Before founding Florea, he worked for 7 years at Plantagen in procurement and product range development.

- Lives with Ebba and 2 daughters.

Anders Espinoza

Creative Director

Anders is Florea's Creative Director with main responsibility for everything creative in the company. With a background in music production, photography, and videography, Anders is behind the films and many of the beautiful images shown on Florea's website and social channels. Although gardening is somewhat of a new world, the interest in nature has always been significant, and the dream is a house in the countryside with its own garden.

His favorite flower is the ranunculus, which he likes so much that he (by mistake) posted it on Florea's Instagram, on the tulip day

Johanna Damm

Gardening specialist and garden expert

Johanna is Florea's Gardening Specialist and garden expert. She grew her very first tomato plant at the age of three and fell in love with gardening. The tomato plant of the Ailsa Craig variety became an entryway to 27 educational years of gardening, and today she has grown over 300 different tomato varieties. She has a strong preference for dahlias but also for edible flowers such as marigolds, nasturtiums, and cornflowers.

She lives on a farm with her husband and their youngest child, named after Johanna's absolute favorite flower, Iris.

Philip Eriksson

Chief Operating Officer

Philip, FLOREA's Urban Gardener, primarily responsible for the operational part of the company. Living in an apartment, but trying to prove that you can grow plants regardless of living situation or level of knowledge. Enjoys cooking, so herbs are a big favorite, but this year, our white sunflower 'White Sun' became his favorite.

Hanna Wendelbo

Designer and graphic artist with a passionate relationship to flowers

I love inspiring people to grow flowers, especially annual summer flowers which are close to my heart because every year it offers the opportunity to create an entirely new garden with new colors and shapes. Every little flower makes a difference to the biodiversity, even if it's just a pot of marigolds standing on the doorstep inviting bees and bumblebees, it's worth it!

If I could only grow one flower for the rest of my life, I would choose the rose campion. It's very easy to grow and produces an enormous number of beautiful flowers during the summer, perhaps the most productive of them all!

This year, I'm looking forward to being part of the development and trial growing of Florea's new seed varieties for 2024

Johanna Berglund

Content Creator

Johanna is Florea's biggest energy bundle and spreader of joy. She has been with the company since the beginning and works with content, assortment design, and most importantly, shares her knowledge at all our fairs and events.

Johanna grew up with gardening, an interest that has only grown over the years, and her beautiful garden is proof of this. Her favorite flower is the wallflower and her favorite vegetable is kohlrabi. Something not many know is that she is obsessed with 90's music and when she was younger, she drove a moped!

Anna Kubel

Creative & Content Manager

Anna is a photographer, stylist, and creative professional who has been working with us since the start in our creative team. She was the one who laid the foundation for what Florea would look like, and with her incredible sense of touch and eye for color and shape, she has been instrumental in shaping everything visually. She also helps choose our assortment and ensures that we have the finest varieties with the most beautiful colors.

Every year she grows lots of summer flowers and has recently discovered growing edible plants! Her absolute favorite flowers are the nasturtium, which she has been growing diligently for many years now!

Matilda Wahlström

Chief Commercial Officer

As CCO Matilda works with all things commercial at Florea. She has spent her entire career within e-commerce and marketing, but is a beginner when it comes to gardening. However she cannot imagine a better group to learn from than her amazing colleagues and is looking forward to turning her terrass into a blooming oasis.

Ulrica Cederlid

Operation & Customer Service Manager

Ulrica works with customer service and communication in the newsletters and is passionate about giving our fantastic customers a great experience. As a gardening expert, she is happy to share her knowledge with customers as well as colleagues.

As the youngest in the team, she nevertheless has a long cultivation experience. Every year she grows lots of vegetables and flowers in her large garden, which is located on an old farm in Skåne.

Our history

A family legacy since 1940