Christmas gifts

Christmas gifts for all garden lovers

Giftsets - Limited edition

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      Giftset Guide

      Giftset - Floral Splendor

      For a long flourishing summer

      Five fantastic summer flowers, carefully selected for a long and flourishing summer. All varieties are beautiful to plant together and create elegant bouquets throughout the season.

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      Giftset - The Kitchen Garden

      Florea's vegetable favorites

      There is something magical about growing and eating your own vegetables, from farm to table. That's why we've collected Florea's vegetable favorites, hand-picked to together create the ultimate kitchen garden.

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      Giftset - Cut Flower Favorites

      Your own cut flower garden

      All Florea's cut flower favorites gathered for a successful and magical cut flower cultivation. All flower components are represented here - color, shape and characteristics to create beautiful summer bouquets all summer long.

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      Giftset - Seed Joy

      Easy-to-grow varieties that can be sown directly

      In this box you will find simple and easy-to-grow varieties that can all be sown directly. Carefully selected varieties with beautiful colors and shapes where ease of cultivation is the focus.

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      Stocking fillers