Grow Amaranth

Growing amaranth

Amaranth is native to North and South America and Africa. As a kitchen plant, amaranth is grown all over the world. Amaranth is not only an appreciated useful plant, but can also be grown for its beauty and splendour. It often flowers for several months in Sweden. An amaranth flower is very small but they are densely arranged in large inflorescences. Amaranth wood is exclusive but has nothing to do with the flower amaranth, which can also be grown in Sweden.

Amaranth is a plant with several uses

Amaranth leaves can be used in the same way as spinach. Eat them raw, or use them in stir-fries or stews. You can boil amaranth seeds and use them much like quinoa. You can also roast them or grind them into flour. Birdseed mixes often contain amaranth seeds.

Amaranth is nutritious and is sometimes called a ‘superfood’. This is because the plant is rich in protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals. The leaves are a good source of vitamins A, C and K, as well as calcium and iron. Especially when it comes to vitamin K, amaranth is a good source according to Foodinfo. The seeds are rich in protein and also contain fibre and iron. Experts on the future food supply are talking a lot about the need to grow more amaranth.

Amaranth is also a popular ornamental plant and makes a great addition to bouquets. As a cut flower, they stay beautiful for an unusually long time.

Tips for those who want to grow amaranth

You can grow amaranth in pots or outdoors. It grows quickly and needs nutrient-rich soil and a sunny position. Different varieties of amaranth may have different needs but the following tips are general:

  • Sow the amaranth seeds indoors in March or April.
  • Plant out the seedlings when there is no longer a risk of frost.
  • Water regularly during dry periods.
  • Fertilise amaranth with compost or other nutrients.

Amaranth does not overwinter in our climate. If you want to keep amaranth as a perennial, you must bring it indoors. If it gets colder than 10 degrees, it can be damaged. It needs a lot of light even during winter. Overwintering amaranth is clearly a challenge, and it may require you to supplement natural light with a plant lamp. However, amaranth seeds can survive the winter. Unless you or the birds eat all the seeds, amaranth is likely to come back. It is an advantage if you collect seeds and sow them in spring.

How to harvest amaranth

You can start harvesting amaranth a few weeks after sowing. The leaves are best eaten when they are young and tender. The seeds can be harvested when they are brown. They have a long shelf life.

Different varieties of amaranth

Amaranth is actually the name of a plant group with over 50 species. “Amaranthus cruentus” is mainly grown for its dark green leaves. “Amaranthus hypochondriacus” and “Amaranthus caudatus” are good varieties if it is mainly seeds you want. Corn amaranth is a variety with yellow flowers that is mainly grown as an ornamental. Foxtail amaranth is another variety that is primarily grown for its appearance. It has startling, red, inflorescences.

Author: Johanna Damm

Fact-checked by Erik Hoekstra

Last updated 2022-12-28

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