Grow Arugula


Peppery delicacy

Arugula is a fast-growing and easy-to-maintain leafy vegetable that has become a staple in gardens and kitchens. The leaves have a slightly peppery flavor that adds a lift to salads, pasta dishes, and pizza. Arugula is also spelled rucola and is sometimes called mustard greens.

Arugula – a love herb?

Arugula grows 10-40 cm tall. The plant has flaky, dark green leaves and white flowers. There is also a perennial arugula called sand mustard. It has yellow flowers and grows wild in southern Sweden.

Arugula has a long history and is mentioned in the Old Testament. The plant was used both as food and medicine. In ancient Rome and Egypt, arugula was considered an aphrodisiac. This reputation as a love herb persisted into the Middle Ages and led to arugula being banned in monastery gardens. In Sweden, arugula has been cultivated since the 1400s.

Growing arugula in several rounds

Arugula can be sowed directly outdoors from early spring. The seeds germinate when it is at least five degrees cold, but they are not damaged by lying in the soil and waiting. Therefore, arugula is also a plant that is suitable to sow in the fall or winter. The seeds will germinate early in the spring and get a head start on the season. If you have the opportunity to sow arugula in a greenhouse or bench, you can harvest fresh leaves before the dandelions have even come up from the ground.

For broad sowing of arugula, the seeds are scattered thinly over the soil. For row sowing, furrows are made in the ground with a distance of about 15 cm. Cover with a thin layer of soil, water and keep moist. When the plants have a few leaves, it is time to thin to a distance of 5-15 cm.

We sow arugula in several rounds. During the hottest time of summer, it is common for arugula to go up in height with flower stalks instead of forming new leaves. The harvest is therefore best in spring, early summer, and fall. If you still want to grow arugula during the high summer, water the sowing with cold water. Arugula seeds have more difficulty germinating when the temperature is higher than 20 degrees.

Growing arugula indoors

Arugula can also be grown indoors all year round. During the dark months, the plants need extra light for a good harvest. Harvest indoor-grown arugula as microgreens or fully grown plants. Also try sprouting arugula – a delicious, peppery addition to salads, sandwiches, and as decoration on food.

Taking care of arugula

Water arugula regularly for the best taste. Like other brassicas, arugula likes nutrients. Feel free to put grass clippings or other organic material between the plants. This keeps moisture in the soil, chokes out weeds and adds extra nutrients as it breaks down.

It can be helpful to cover arugula with a fiber cloth to protect against pests. Or give strengthening nettle water and interplant with aromatic herbs to deter hungry visitors. In the spring and fall, pests are fortunately less active and the plants are usually left alone.

Arugula in cooking

Harvest arugula continuously. Pick individual leaves or cut off the entire plant when it reaches about a foot tall. Leave the root, as there will be another round of leaves. Clip off the flower buds. This stimulates the arugula plant to produce more leaves instead of seeds. But feel free to let an extra nice plant go to seed to collect your own seeds.

Arugula with its spicy accent taste is indispensable in the kitchen. The leaves are good in everything from salads and sauces to pasta dishes and pizza. Arugula is also a great taste break in sweet smoothies. Try, for example, mixing ripe bananas, grated lemon zest and water with a handful each of arugula and parsley.

Arugula is rich in vitamin C, A, and K as well as many minerals. In addition, the leaves are good for digestion.”


Author: Johanna Damm

Fact-checked by Erik Hoekstra

Last updated 2022-12-22

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