A fantastic ranunculus mix of four outstanding varieties in soft pastel colors. Designed specifically to harmonize with each other and together create the ultimate bouquet. The sorbet-like tones are in true Florea spirit and are a color scale that we are extra happy to be able to present together in a mix.
All four varieties last an unusually long time in a vase and are fantastic for planting in a larger pot or directly outdoors. A special mix of handpicked varieties for those who love to grow their own magnificent bouquets.
- Anzahl der Knollen
- 8
- Farbe
- GelbMischungOrangeRosa
- Höhe
- 40-49 cm
- Größe
- 2/3
- Pflanztiefe
- 10 cm
- Blüte-/Erntezeit
- MaiJuniJuli
- Pflanzabstand
- 5-10 cm